Monday, May 30, 2011


After what can only be described as a couple of amazing weeks, J and I are home from Europe. We've basked in the first night in our own bed. And I keep giving my camera a glance out of the corner of my eye, trying to avoid organizing and editing the almost 1000 pictures I took.

A couple things I learned in the last two weeks:

1. London is awesome.
2. We are in awe of how old things are there. I will never think anything in Seattle is old again.
3. Driving on the left is HARD.
4. Ireland is absolutely beautiful.
5. I have never met nicer people in my life.

Once I get my wits about me I will assemble a better recap!

Monday, May 16, 2011

My Someday...

Ever since I was a little girl, I've talked about how I've wanted to travel.

"I would love to go to Europe someday."

A common phrase from my mouth for as far back as I can remember. Well, folks, my 'someday' is tomorrow. TOMORROW. Tomorrow I get on a plane with my handsome husband.

Our first stop is London. Including a day trip to Stonehenge and Bath. Did you know that Bath was reborn in 1687 when Queen Mary bathed there. She was struggling with infertility and within 10 months gave birth to her son? The city then boomed as a spa town with countless accounts of cures for a number of different ailments. It's probably crazy talk, but it can't hurt, right!?

I'm relaxing for a bit this morning and then it is time to clean, finish packing, and try to sleep tonight (YEAH RIGHT). Wish me luck!

I promise that when I return we'll go back to more of a regularly scheduled program. I know I've been a slacker. There just isn't a lot to share at the moment. When we get back we'll shortly be returning to active TTC. Our appointment with Seattle Reproductive Medicine is only 10 days after we get home! Special things in the works!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mayor of Crazytown

That's me!

I have been working 12 hour days and running around like a crazy person since Monday. I'm not complaining! I'm actually still really enjoying my job and the challenges that come along with it. However, trying to square things up before I run off for a couple of weeks is tough!

I am getting out of the office on time today. (yay me!)

::deep breath::

The thoughts of wandering the streets of London in one weeks time is really what is getting me through.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Peeps, I've been a big ol' blogging failure. My days have been filled with craziness and my few moments of quiet have been spent with The Hubs.

J ended up catching the plague again. His diagnosis? Ear infection, pink eye, and strep. Yuck! He caught the pink eye super early, so thankfully that has been pretty uneventful. But the poor boy went broke at the pharmacy and is currently using an inhaler. Booo! So, as you can see I've spent a significant part of my days playing nurse. Again.

I've also been spending time buttoning up some details on our trip! I bought our travel insurance. Ordered a gorgeous new camera bag. (LOVE) Booked our tour of Stonehenge and Bath. I even attended a photography workshop on Friday.

I'm still loving my new job. I've attended a few classes and workshops that have kept me at the office late, but they've all be worth it! I'm engaged, challenged, and learning a ton.

We're still dealing with the fallout of The Accident. We got the car back and already we've had to take it back to the shop. I'm nervous that this will be the way it is from here on out. Never quite the same. Also, I got a letter from our insurance company telling me that the claimant has hired an attorney. I freaked the hell out. She told my agent that she was okay! She was going to the chiropractor, but she was only sore - no injuries. Now this?! I stewed about it all weekend and talked with my agent this morning. I feel a lot better. She said that this woman seems kind of high maintenance and she got the feeling he was hired to handle it for her, so that she wouldn't be further inconvenienced. She said not to worry, so I'm trying not to.

Otherwise my days have been spent running around this crazy place I call life. Acupuncture today, hair appointment tomorrow, training class and a baseball game on Thursday, time with the inlaws on Saturday, hanging out with my mom for Mothers day on Sunday.... somewhere in there my house needs to be cleaned and dinner cooked! Do you see why my blogging time has been restricted? I asked J again if he would get me a housekeeper, or a wife, for my birthday. He said no to both. Rude!

This month is the last of our 10 month long break and I plan to enjoy it! Mostly, by frolicking through the streets of London, enjoying a pint of Guinness in Dublin, and taking thousands of photos as I go!

I miss you, my blogging peeps. I'm checking in as often as I can. I don't comment often because it is a pain to do from my phone. But I'm out there! Somewhere...