Can you even picture what 50lbs of fat looks like? It looks like this:

TIMES TEN! Disgusting right? I cannot believe it.
2. Photography. I am having a tremendously wonderful time in my photography classes. I've learned SO very much about my camera and myself. My teacher in fantastic and I'm meeting some really nice people.
3. Photography. Yes, I'm mentioning it twice. Want to know why? Well of course you do or you wouldn't be here! One of MY photos was selected by THE Pioneer Woman herself as one of the 10 day one shots for this weeks photography assignment 'happiness'. You can see it HERE. Mine is of the cat by Sweetpeas Snapshots. How cool is that!? This picture is older, I'd only had my camera about a month when I took this. I was STUNNED when I was casually perusing through photos yesterday morning and BAM - one of them was MINE. Craziness. I am under no delusions that my photo will stand a chance against the other truly great images, but I was really flattered.
4. Friends. Last week was another rough one after our BFN. I have some truly wonderful and supportive people in my life, you all included, and I am grateful for the support you've given me. This is hard, starting over again and again SUCKS, it isn't fair. But, that's life. Anything worth having is worth the struggle, and this is worth it. So thanks for the pick me ups along the way. You're the bestest.
5. Did I mention that I finally got below 190 this morning? OH! I did?? Oops. :)
HUGE congrats on the weight loss!!!!! That's fantastic!