Tuesday, July 19, 2011

6 weeks, 4 days

Sorry for my falling off the face of the earth there for a minute. This last weekend (Thursday - Sunday) was spent in sunny southern California! We went down to visit one of my favorite people in the universe. Some of you may know her as Isha. We'll Isha is due any time now and we decided to converge on SoCal and throw her a little shower. I even got to take her maternity photos!

We ate, hugged, laughed, played, ate, talked babies, ate, and spent one entire day at the beach! It was just what the doctor ordered. I mean, what is better than a sunny weekend with your girlfriends? Nada, that's what.

Things with me and Sprout (Oh yes, that's the babes name - FYI) are going swimmingly. I was given a few books to read up on our weekly progress and I am learning a ton. I feel like I was pretty 'expert' on all things Infertility, PCOS, and why my bits were broken, but pregnancy? I am clueless. If you know me, you know I am in full research mode because Clueless is not a town I enjoy living in.

I have had a few moments of quesy tummy and a bit of heartburn, but otherwise we're doing well. This Friday (I will be 7 weeks) is my first ultrasound with Doc Oc. I am really looking forward to some official confirmation. We plan to tell our Grandmas after that ultrasound. I'm very excited about that part. They're going to flip!

For those of you who have crossed over and have any advice, suggested reading material, good information on nutrition, etc - I am all ears!


  1. Sounds like you are doing a great job of relaxing! As far as reading material, I probably have entire shelf related to pregnancy. I like "Your Pregnancy Week by Week" as a general book. If you're planning on a natural birth, I'd highly recommend "Ina Mae's Guide to Childbirth." Actually, even if you're not thinking natural, I'd still recommend it because it is probably the most positive book on childbirth I've ever read. It's got some CRAZY pictures though!

  2. @Jess - those are actually the two books I was given this weekend! How funny is that. Glad to know they have your stamp of approval!

  3. Your pregnancy week by week has been my bible this whole time! So excited for you!!!

  4. Hi Mrs S!
    As for book suggestions here are a few of my favorites thus far:
    1. The Vaccine Book by Dr Sears (a pretty unbiased, yet informative book about the vaccines that are given to babies.
    2. Birthing a Better Way- I'm in th emiddle of this one, but it's about making birth choices that are right for you.
    3. 25 things every dad should know- funny, but we've both learned some things.

    I have a HUGE "want to read list" (on my blog www.3bed2bath1baby.blogspot.com) on the right side tabs, if you need more. I also put blurbs about each one too.

    Hope that helps!

  5. I am so happy you are doing well and that Sprout is in full grow mode.

    I can't believe I am only one week further along than you! That is so awesome!

    I am clueless too, so I don't have any suggestions yet. Still figuring this out myself.

  6. I was totally clueless too, but I also really like the Pregnancy Week by Week book. I also signed up for one of those weekly emails that tells you a little bit about what's going on with the baby.
