Thursday, July 21, 2011

Welcome to July ICLW!

I decided July would be the month that I rejoined ICLW. Assuming we'd be back in the saddle with trying to conceive. Little did I know that the day after I threw my name in the hat, we would get our first positive pregnancy test.

Do you know how many of those little things I peed on before I got one to give me two lines? I've peed on a lot of things, let me tell you, but that was the best one yet.

Something did surprise me after getting our BFP, I have no desire to pee on anything else. While TTC I thought for sure I would want to rush out and get the Costco pack of pregnancy tests, a digital, and a supersized Sunny Delight, ala Juno and make a whole afternoon out of peeing on stick after stick. Nope. I peed on one and I'm happy as a clam.

I've digressed a bit, but for those that aren't first time visitors, you know that happens. A lot.

A bit about us for those that are new 'round these parts. Jeremy (Commonly 'J' on this blog) and I had our first date 10 years and 1 day ago. Fun fact, right? We were married 3 years and 2 days ago (even funner fact) and shortly after began our journey to spawn. Shortly after starting I knew things weren't right with my ladybits. Very irregular cycles, charting was a disaster, and my periods were very heavy and painful. That first year was the worst of the emotional roller coaster.

We saw Doc Oc (no, seriously, he looks like a dead ringer for the Spiderman villain) for just under a year before I was unceremoniously dumped. I was determined to be Clomid resistant (after about 4 cycles) and only sporadically responded to Femara. It was after that lovely little journey that J and I decided we needed a break. It was August 2010 and we decided we'd revisit this at the beginning of the year.

January came and went and we knew we still weren't ready to devote the time necessary to tackle TTC again. Besides, we were planning our Vacation Of A Lifetime. We agreed that when we returned home from that adventure, we would see a doctor at Seattle Reproductive Medicine, just as Doc Oc suggested.

Our trip was amazing. We spent 13 days exploring England and Ireland. Eating delicious food, drinking beer daily, making friends, and exploring the sights. We spent quality time together (except for the story about when I was driving in Ireland and we almost got divorced. word of advice: driving on the left side of the road will test the limits of your marriage. amen. good night.) and at the end of the two weeks we were nowhere near ready to come home.

Come home we did and the next week we met Dr. K and she was awesome. We talked in detail about PCOS, my history, what we'd tried, and developed a game plan that the three of us were comfortable with. Step One of this plan involved me getting on Metformin. The next week I dutifully started taking my meds. I was instructed to ramp up my dose each week until I was at the full dosage. Another piece of Infertile Wisdom - Met sucks. My tummy will never be the same, I'm sure of it.

My period 'should have arrived' (us PCOS folks know that is date not easily pinned down) on or about the first of July. That brings us to the Fourth of July. We'd made the rounds to see our family and had returned home. It was a work night for us, so I went upstairs and started getting cleaned up and ready for bed. I knew I had a pee stick under the sink and when you get the hankerin to pee on something, that's a hard vibe to shake.

My thoughts were 'I might as well use it up'. Use it up I did, not two minutes later there were two cute little pink lines.

I opened up the bathroom window and hollered into the backyard for Jeremy to get his butt upstairs that instant. He thought for sure I'd lost a limb or at least seen a spider. I will never forget the look on his face when I showed him that test and wished him a Happy 4th of July.

Feel free to peruse my past entries. If you have any questions for me, I would be more than happy to answer them. I recently came out of the proverbial blogger closet, so this is actually my first ICLW where you all get to 'meet me'. I'm a fairly open book, so if there is anything you want to know - just ask!

Welcome to ICLW everyone!


  1. I loved your ICLW intro too funny! I can imagine how driving on the opposite side went :-D

    Congrats on your BFP!!!! Finally right! I can't wait to keep up with how everything goes! i had my first positive this past weekend. It only lasted two days and turned out to be a chemical pregnancy but that still leaves me very hopeful!

  2. Struggling with PCOS and trying to lose weight (and soon trying to have a baby) I must say that you are quite an inspiration to me! I have really enjoyed reading your blog and best wishes to your growing family! <3

  3. Hello from ICLW! I to have been struggling with PCOS and trying to lose weight to conceive. It is a struggle but knowing that others are coming out on top of this battle is a really wonderful feeling because it helps me feel like this is something that I can do!

    ICLW #114

  4. Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! I hope all is smooth sailing from here and I can't wait to hear updates. Thank you so much for the comment that you left on my blog. it's always nice to hear from other folks who have PCOS and I love your blog. Can't wait to read more!

    ICLW #20

  5. Congratulations on your pregnancy!!!! Awesome story!

    I laughed reading about your experience driving in Ireland. I'm an American living in Dublin, and after living here for three years, don't mind driving. We are flying to the States in a few weeks and I'm a bit terrified to drive there, on the "right" side :)

    All the best!

    ICLW #5

  6. Okay, you need to do an update! I've checked your blog 50 times. I hope everything went well yesterday!
