Thursday, May 14, 2009

J's company was sold.

J works for a local phone company and they were sold yesterday. We have NO idea what that means. I hate this feeling of uncertainty. The new company said they would honor the existing contract and would work with local unions to make this a smooth transition. Sounds nice, right? Except that the existing contract is up in less than a year. What then? They did not elaborate. Of course they are not going to commit to any one thing at this point. I'm sure they're still working things out, but still! My mind runs rampant with this sort of limited detail.
J just recently became the family bread winner, so if -GOD FORBID- he were to lose his job, all plans (especially TTC) would have to be postponed.
Please, oh please, send your thoughts/prayers/good juju his way. I hope I'm getting all worked up over nothing.
::crossing fingers::

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