Thursday, May 14, 2009

My First Award! x2!

Wow. I never started this blog with the thought that anyone would read it and think I deserved an award. Let alone two in one week!
When I started this blog I did it as a way for me to collect my thoughts and share them. I don't know who exactly I thought would come, or which of the lovely ladies I communicate with on the magical tubes we call the interwebs would care to 'follow'. Getting into blogging has helped me connect with amazing women. Some that are going through similar things as I, and some that inspire me to do better things with my life. I am very grateful for these new relationships and the things I have learned. To me, that is why I am SO appreciative of the Sisterhood Award. Because 'sister' to me has very little to do with common parents or living arrangements. It is those women you chose to surround yourself with. I'm a lucky girl!

I am especially honored for this award because of the two gals it came from. Rotty (Sometimes & Always) and Rachel (Unbroken Road). Rotty is snarky, bright, hilarious, and most importantly she is overseas serving our country. Rotty, you kick ass. Thanks for the award! Rachel is... well Rachel is an amazing friend. In terms of sisterhood she is probably my non-biological twin. I love you, Rach!

Here are the rules:
1) Put the logo on your blog or post.
2) Nominate at least 5 blogs with great attitude and/or gratitude. Be sure to link to your nominees in your post.
3) Let your nominees know they have received the award by leaving them a comment on their blog.
4) Be sure to link this post to the person who nominated you for the award.

Here are the ladies I would like to nominate. I have chosen you because you are honest, true to yourself, and mostly because you're awesome. (I tried to pick people that hadn't been nominated yet! I love all the rest of you too!!)

Stephanie - Chronicles of Mom
Blair - Heir to Blair
Jess - Taking it One Step at a Time
Tri - Jellybean Chronicles
Jessica - The Ramblings of a Southern Belle

Thank you for being you!